“Dragons hold a special place in the myths and symbology of the Grail lineages, as they represent the primordial power of our sensual & sacred Shakti.” A & S Bertrand


Dragon Shakti Breathwork is a transformational, multidimensional breathing technique designed to activate the feminine womb. This practice involves a specific pattern of deep, rhythmic mouth breathing, which can induce altered states of consciousness and facilitate profound emotional and spiritual exploration. By awakening and activating your pure creative life force, it can lead to significant insights and emotional release.

This technique allows Shakti (life force) energy to surge into your root and sexual centers, opening pleasure pathways and energy channels, thereby awakening your ecstasy, sensuality, and sexuality. Dragon Shakti Breathing engages the entire body, enabling the breath to flow deeply into the womb, pelvis, and root. Its origins draw from the feminine circular breathing patterns observed during labor, childbirth, orgasm, and sexual union.

As a transformative modality, breathwork supports you in releasing outdated patterns, beliefs, and repressed emotions, helping you return to your primordial, natural state of being. The practice focuses on accessing your wild, primal Dragon energy, moving it through your energy centers to elevate your vibrational state and open you to your highest potential.

This powerful feminine breathwork practice can guide you back to your authentic truth and offers numerous healing benefits, including:

  • Awakening the untamed essence of your sexuality and activating your womb power
  • Clearing past womb traumas, such as sexual abuse
  • Moving stuck and stagnant energy in the body
  • Supporting the healing of cysts, fibroids, and endometriosis
  • Releasing emotional wounds
  • Opening pathways to experience ecstasy and bliss
  • Supporting your conception journey
  • Helping you overcome fear
  • Assisting in letting go of stress and anxiety
  • Reclaiming your feminine power
  • Connecting you to Gaia (Earth) and anchoring into her frequencies
  • Enabling you to surrender fully into your body’s YES

A Dragon Shakti Breathwork Session Includes:

  • In-depth consultation
  • Intention setting and settling-in meditation
  • Dragon Shakti Breathwork
  • Energy clearing
  • Integration time with grounding herbal tea
  • (Optional) Add-on: Yoni Steam

I am deeply honoured to be initiated into Dragon Shakti Breathing by my teacher Natalie Zukerman of the Institute of Feminine Arts. I am honoured to hold the lineage of this work, and so grateful to Natalie for her continued support.